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May 2018

Writer's picture: Pastor JayPastor Jay

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

Romans 8:26-27

We live in an age of immediate gratification. We want what we want, and we want it now. It’s easy too. If you want a quick bite to eat, there are hundreds of fast food options, even “good food - fast” venues. How many of us actually read a book today? Or is a movie a quicker solution? What about losing weight? There are all kinds of diet plans (I call them schemes) that promise fast and easy weight loss (no comment). Can’t get information fast enough? Just “google” your question. All kinds of information is at your fingertips on the internet … 24/7.

It seems like everything is done with speed in mind. And to what end. Have we saved time? If we have saved some time, what do we do with the “newly found free-time”? Maybe you spend more time with your family – or on a hobby – or practicing a sport or a musical instrument. Those are all great ways to spend time.

I would like to suggest yet another way to spend your newly found time. In prayer. I know, I know. People have said to me; “Well Pastor, I’m not really the praying type.” You know, it’s kind of funny because these very same people are some of the best communicators that I have ever met. It seems to me that we often confuse prayer with something that’s complicated and has to be done “just-so”. God already knows our every need, joy, concern, and fear. So, even if our prayers are jumbled up and seem to be confusing (to us), have no fear because God can figure it out. If you are too tired, scared, lonely, sick, anxious – trust that the Holy Spirit is interceding on your behalf – without a word uttered.

Once you have gained some confidence in this form of prayer, you might consider verbalizing the things that are frustrating or anxiety producing in your life. I’ve heard it said that prayer is nothing more than casual conversation with God. Sometimes just articulating your concerns can produce a cathartic affect – and answers that may have alluded you before may suddenly materialize. That is the Holy Spirit helping you – interceding for you so that you may find comfort and wholeness.

Recently I introduced a Face Book Live broadcast on Monday evenings at 7pm entitled “Prayers and Reflections with Pastor Jay”. This broadcast is a blend of old and new. Technology and prayer. Yes, we can quickly gather in the “virtual online community” to pray, trusting that our Triune God hears our prayers and petitions but at the same time, we slow ourselves down as a community to center ourselves on a casual conversation with God.

Please join me each Monday evening for 5 or 10 minutes in prayer. It might be just the thing you need to help center you after a busy Monday at work, school or however you spent the day.

In Christ’s peace!

Pastor Jay

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