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St Mark's

Nursery School

& Childcare

Why Choose St. Marks?

One of the most important decisions a parent can make is the choice of a preschool for their child.

At St. Mark's Nursery School & Childcare, we understand the love and concern that goes into this decision. We provide a developmental program, one that supports and allows children to grow to their best potential. 
We encourage you to visit our school and look forward to getting to know both you and your child. 


In our classrooms, we follow a combination of the

Creative Curriculum style and Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum.

Our centers and play areas are filled with fun and stimulating educational activities. We provide both large and small group instruction through our curriculum to encourage early reading skills and emerging math skills, fine motor strengthening activities and creative projects that reflect weekly focus. 

Daily Circle Time is also an important part of our classroom. Here children will not only learn academics in a large group setting but focus on important skills such as waiting for a turn, encouraging a friend, listening and answering a question or playing with many friends at once.

We strive to help each child reach their potential in a fun, encouraging and safe environment.

Pastor Jay also spend time with each class reading Bible stories and answering questions. 



If you would like a tour, please email or


We use Brightwheel for our tracking and recording for your child's day to day. 

You will get an email to connect to your child profile once you are registered. 


St. Marks Nursery School Programs

Please complete the registration form below. Spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis provided we receive a fully completed registration form along with the registration payment. Registration is not complete until your registration fee has been received and documented. Please be aware registration will only be accepted until the ratio in the specific room is full. Once the ratio is full families will be granted the opportunity to be placed on our waiting list. 

Daycare is only available to children in our nursery school program.

Summer Day Camp Programs

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Pre-School Summer Camp


Pre-School Summer Camp is for ages 2 1/2 to those entering Kindergarten.


 A child must attend at least 3 days per week.

The program provides a snack in the morning and afternoon.  Your child would need to bring a lunch and a reusable water bottle labeled with your child's name.


Summer Camp hours are

Half Day 7:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Full Day 7:30 am - 6:00 pm

Starting June 3rd and Ending August 23rd



Kids Summer Camp Entering Grade 1 - Entering Grade 5


The Summer Camp program provides a variety of opportunities for the children to play and learn. Each day we do different crafts, projects, games, outdoor fun or special projects. 


Summer Camp hours are 7:30 am - 6:00 pm with core activities hours from 9 am - 4 pm 

Starting June 17th to August 23rd


The program provides a snack in the morning and afternoon. Your child would need to bring a lunch and reusable water bottle labeled with your child's name.



2024 Summer Day Camp Registration Now Open

St. Mark's School Security

St. Mark's Nursery School & Childcare keeps ALL doors, including the church office and the entrance doors locked at all times. Our staff will only allow parents/guardians of students or known approved of pick up persons into the building at any given time. 

We have a release policy that the staff is fully aware of as well as the parents/guardians of the students. It is St. Mark's Nursery School/Daycare/After School and Summer Camp programs to develop an emergency plan. 

Our staff is trained to respond quickly and effectively to an emergency situation should one arise.



We have developed an emergency plan with specific procedures to address all events that could be a danger to our school community.  



Order of command if an emergency should arise:



The director or Lead will appoint staff to:

  • Assist the in the overall management of the situation.

  • Work as a liaison with police and emergency service providers.  Supervision of evacuation and emergency dismissal.

  • Supervise first-aid procedures, parental contact, contact with medical service providers.

  • Administrator of appropriate child records with parental contact, assist with the supervision of children.


Evacuation sites:

  • Oaklyn Municipal Building

  • Oaklyn Public School

  • Alternate -VFW Hall - Manor Ave

  • Alternate # 2 - Oaklyn Community Center (behind Oaklyn School)

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